Holo is hiring. We're looking for a Senior Software Tester to join our team. Check if the role might be a good fit for you.

10 Feb 2023, 17:54
Holo is hiring! We’re looking for a Senior Software Tester to join our team. Check if the role might be a good fit for you! #Work #Job #WorkOffer #SoftwareTesterd #OpenSource

Same news in other sources

HoloHOT #172
11 Feb 2023, 08:00
Holo is #hiring! We’re looking for a Software Project Manager to join our team and manage the delivery of multiple software products developed by the Holo Development team. Check if the role might be a good fit for you! #WorkOffer #OpenSource
Holo is #hiring.
Holo is #hiring! We’re looking for a Software Project Manager to join our team and manage the delivery of multiple software products developed by the Holo Development team. ✅ Check if the role might be a good fit for you! https://t.co/5OKhaehAAd #WorkOffer #OpenSource https://t.co/McrJd39ZJe